Sunday, 17 July 2011

Progress on Square Foot Gardens

Yesterday was a busy day.  I progressed my second 'secret' knitting project somewhat.  Will post piccie when complete.

I also started filling the first square foot garden.  I first cleared the drainage holes of the bitumen that had collected.  Then I measured and laid the landscaping fabric.  I was going to completely line the box with fabric, but then decided that given the bitumen coat, and the relative permanence of the boxes in their current position, that a layer on the base would suffice.  So I did that.  Then I started filling the first box:
In the box above, so far are:
a)  two bags of potting soil at the bottom;
b) a mix of three bags of various types of manure and one bag of spaghnum moss;
Today I will add two bags of potting soil and one bag of vermiculite.

Then I will repeat the above for the second box and water them both down.  If  I need to top up, then I will add potting soil and mix again.  After that, it will be a case of measuring of the square feet and planting each square foot up.  I am going to put seeds into most of the square feet.  It is probably still winter enough to do spring onions.  I will also do radishes and some marigolds.  I am not sure that it is summer enough yet to start with green peppers and tomatoes.  I will wait until September for those. 

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