Saturday, 19 March 2011

Footprint Two: Preserving: Not such Baby Steps

Ok, so I bought this bag of oranges, and 6.5kgs of apples, and oh, did I mention the 2kgs of tomatoes [not the jam ones that I pureed last weekend, the 2kgs that I bought this morning whilst buying bottles for my preserve spree].

Right, so I bought 12 honey jars and 2 humongous console bottles with twist off caps and nifty lid inserts – you know, the real McCoy.  In my minds eye I have this picture of those large preserve bottles that one sees in delis with a delightful array of cucumbers, onions, garlic, chilli, peppers, and interesting black [pepper corns], yellow [mustard seeds], green [cardamom] and brown [coriander seeds] round things floating elegantly in the jar.

Now I am ready.  I have spent two hours so far doing some marmalade.  I only have about another 4 hours to go tomorrow.  I have managed to consume six oranges and three lemons.  I have an overflowing pot [very large pot], so will probably fill about 10 of the honey jars with my marmalade and still have about 40 oranges left. 
                                                                  Marmalade - a work in progress

I did think about using the console bottles, but it occurred to me that I would have to pick them up once they are full.  This might be beyond me.

On Sunday, I’ll start on the tomatoes and make tomato jam, which fortunately includes shredded apple.  This should account for about two apples, and maybe another 10 jars?
The finished product so far - on the left are six and then some tomato jam preserves.  On the right are nine marmalade preserves.

On Monday, if I can still stand, that is, I’ll start on the apple chutney, although I think I might have to go back and buy another 500 honey jars.  There are only 80 apples in the box, so 500 jars should be enough.

And whilst I am buying the jars, I can get those watermelons.  Two nice big ones for the price of one.  I can make waatlemon konfyt out of the skins.....

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