Saturday, 26 March 2011

Footprint 12: A lovely healthy supper

I am eating early, as I plan to honour Earth Hour this evening.  I will do that by switching off my lights, and yes, my pc too, and going outside into the garden that I have come to love, and celebrating that hour with my garden and my dog.  There won't even be a book!

Having spent the day with my nose very firmly planted in my treasure trove of books, I didn't really plan anything for supper, so I scrounged for leftovers.  This is what I came up with:

Some gem squash, fenugreek sprouts and dhania and a dob of butter, flavoured with mace, milled black pepper and ground salt.  Nutmeg would have been a little overpowering.  Very tasty it was too!  And made in literally minutes.  It just needed to be heated through.  I will bear this in mind as a mixture for a future fritter.  Some nice goat cheese would have made a lovely addition.

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