Tuesday 31 January 2012

Relish the thought

Today's hike started near Cellar's Hohenhort encompassing part of the Alphen Trail and part of the Diep River Trail.  This trail entails hiking through lush vegetation, where at this time of year there are plenty of beautiful flowers.  I posted the best one on Project 365.  Here are two others:

The above, like the one on Project 365, are different species and hybrids of canna.

The lush vegetation and beautiful flowers through which one walks provides the detail of the walk, against a backdrop of beauty, which itself makes one ache with the wonder of it all:

We stopped for tea:
And afterwards, shared a lovely hot cuppa at the restaurant, at Cellar's Hohenhort, which has recently re-opened, and retains that aura of genteel luxury, reminiscent of Gatsby days.

Then home again, where I prepared five-and-a-half bottles of Tomato Relish:
The half-bottle became a condiment to supper, which consisted of sort-of-a Tabouleh Salad, once again using the basic recipe of parsley, mint and lemon juice, but this time with celery, dried apricots, a touch of honey, some flaked macadamian nuts spread over chick peas.  It is ever so yummy and a fairly healthy supper option.  This accompanied some grilled chicken with fresh brown bread.

I have added the recipe that I used for the relish to the Recipes Page.  The box of tomatoes was a gift.  The oregano came from the garden.  What is really nice about this recipe is the smidgeon of sugar, which makes this, too, a healthy option to be used as an accompaniment to a meal, as a pasta sauce, or as a base for stews, casseroles or anywhere which calls for canned tomatoes.  I have processed half the box of tomatoes.  The other half will be done today, using the same recipe.

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