Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Cape Sauna

For the last few days, we have been sweltering in an unprecedented heat wave here in the deep south of the Western Cape, South Africa.  There have been three hikes since last posting, two in Silvermine, and one in Tokai:

The first hike on Friday was up into the mountains above the reservoir in Silvermine.  The dogs caused us much amusement.  Here are some of the fun pictures:
 This one I have christened 'Puppy Love'.  Milly, the dog on the right literally fell in love with the dog on the left.  I have never actually seen a dog flirt, but trust me, Milly flirted.  There were even whisperings of 'tart'.  The stick became a ploy on the part of her suitor to lure her into a dance.
This one I have christened 'Who's the Boss'.  Harry, the dog, definitely has alpha tendencies and causes us much joy with his antics.
 Here is Milly again, with her master, although it is still not clear to me who is the Boss.

And a stop for tea next to a ravine:
From the attire, it is evident that the Cape Sauna has not yet emerged.  It was nippy with a chill wind and clouds were racing down the mountain.  I was pleased to be with a group.  If I had been on my own, I would have been rushing down to the cars so as not to be caught in the mist.

The second hike in Silvermine was on Monday.  The Cape Sauna had set in, and there was a general malaise and ennui amongst the group:  This was a flower day.  I took several which I have posted on Project 365 as CrassulaWatsonia and Water Lilly.

On Tuesday, in a sweltering heat, we hiked from the Tokai Arboretum up towards Elephant's Eye.  As the path above the forest towards Elephant's Eye was without shade, we chose not to go up, but to follow a countour path around the mountain.  Beforehand, in the parking lot, we had the opportunity to witness the antics of a troup of baboons.  I have posted some of the photographs on Project 365 as Beauty at a Price and Gym.  There were so many others.  Here is another one which amused me:
We stopped for very welcome refreshments, making the best possible use of shade:
And then returned home to nurse those wounded knees :).

On the home front, I have been working away diligently on drying fruit, watering the garden and conserving bottles of preserves.  My latest endeavours include butternut, peach and walnut chutney.  I used the butternut, apricot and almond recipe which is on the recipes page, substituting peaches and walnuts.  I conserved some yellow cling peaches with lemon grass and cinnamon bark.  I haven't yet tried these two.  I am going to let them 'rest' to let the flavours percolate a bit, and then try them myself before sharing.  

And today is my first bird watching course.  I really am looking forward to it.  How blessed am I that life should bring me such marvellous opportunities to experience the abundance of life, laughter and learning with so much beauty surrounding me.

1 comment:

  1. You're now leading a very interesting life. Keep going and I'll remain an admirer and stay loyal to your blog.
